The description of 두브레인2 - 맞춤형 두뇌(인지) 트레이닝
Giving various stimulation to children's brain is as important as eating delicious rice.
Cognitive development of infants and young children, which will be the basis for lifelong living or learning,
Invest only 10 minutes with DooBrain every day!
A customized curriculum created by proven experts will take care of your child's brain development.
[We provide a customized curriculum based on data.]
- We select the most necessary basic cognitive skills for children over 24 months and provide DooBrain's unique cognitive curriculum.
- Based on data-based problem solving for children, raise the level of difficulty for those who are good at it, adjust the level of difficulty for those that are difficult, as well as add hints and provide stepping stone lessons so that the child can follow step by step.
- You can freely practice classes covering basic concepts such as size, length, number, color, and shape, which are essential in everyday life.
[Guardian support system is also provided.]
- The child's happy moment found through data is delivered through a praise notification email.
- Provides a report to track changes based on the child's problem-solving data every 3 months.
- Suggest ways to help in everyday life for the parts that the child has difficulty with.
[Created with experts who are serious about children's cognitive development.]
- Created by a development team of Harvard-educated researchers, cognitive and ABA behavioral therapists, and parents.
- Research with Seoul National University Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, and UCSF.
- Cognitive development treatment principles and expert know-how are incorporated throughout the class.
- DoBrain is a medically validated program that helps children develop easily at home. / Kong June, Professor, Harvard Medical School (2019-2020 DuBrain USA Collaborative Research)
- Because the development speed of children is different, it is important to provide appropriate help for things that are difficult and better for customized things than providing the same textbooks or classes to all children. DooBrain's content does not provide the same curriculum for each age, but provides different stimulation and curriculum for each child's area of expertise. This is a standard part of children's development, but there are not many places that actually apply this way. / Ahn Dae-hwan, current professor at the University of Georgia (Ph.D., Wharton Postdoc, Seoul National University), DooBrain's first AI researcher who watched DoBrain's growth for 7 years (as the first AI researcher, published a research poster overseas)
- Early childhood cognitive development is very important. Especially at this time, depending on the environment or experience, some neural circuits are strengthened, and some circuits are weakened. Cognitive functions that are essential for children should provide richer stimulation and help the circuit to be strengthened. The stimuli that can be provided in everyday space can be limited, but receiving more diverse stimuli through DooBrain will definitely help children develop their basic cognition. / Researcher Jeong Sol-bi (Master's degree at Harvard University, Ph.D. in Johns Hopkins Education)
- Do Brain 2 is a helpful app for children with slow development. Just because it's slow doesn't mean it's slow in all areas. What each child is good at and what is difficult is different for each child, and it is difficult for teachers or therapists to catch them all at once. Looking at DuBrain's report, I learned even the parts I didn't know about my child, so I'm getting help in the direction of treatment. / Hoon Kang ABA Behavior Analyst
[Use inquiry]
- If you have a problem with the app, we can help you faster if you send us your phone model and a screenshot of the app. We will try to help you as quickly as possible.
- Phone inquiries: 02-6925-2535
- E-mail inquiries: [email protected]
[Guidance on access rights]
essential access rights
-Storage space: Used to store content on the device
Developer contact
- Inquiries: Please contact us at [email protected].
- If you contact us by e-mail, we will respond within 2 business days.
- Wired inquiries: Please contact us at 02-6925-2535.