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大学生のアルバイト求人検索アプリ!マイナビバイト大学生版 screenshot image
大学生のアルバイト求人検索アプリ!マイナビバイト大学生版 screenshot image
大学生のアルバイト求人検索アプリ!マイナビバイト大学生版 screenshot image
The description of 大学生のアルバイト求人検索アプリ!マイナビバイト大学生版
A part-time job search app that allows you to search for job information that welcomes college students!

You can search for part-time job information near the university you attend, and find a part-time job that welcomes inexperienced people who can take on new challenges.
Diverse job postings for university students! If you are having trouble finding a part-time job, please use the part-time job information app [Mynavi Baito College Student Edition]!

App function introduction

Search for university student welcome job information with popular part-time jobs and special conditions
Cafe part-time job, resort part-time job, short-term concert part-time job, late-night part-time job, popular part-time job information for university students, of course, you can also search for part-time job according to university commuting style.
We also introduce a lot of information on part-time jobs for second-division students and night students. There is also job information for part-time jobs that welcome university students who can self-report shifts according to the timetable.
College students have many opportunities to try new things, so there are many opening staff part-time jobs, resort part-time jobs, and part-time jobs that even inexperienced people can enjoy.
Take advantage of summer vacation, winter vacation, and spring vacation to try out new part-time jobs that are open to university students.
Since it specializes in part-time job information for university students, it is easy to balance work and studies! A lot of daily pay part-time job (daily wage system) and daily part-time job recruitment information are also posted!

You can search for university student welcome part-time jobs in a wide range
My Navi Baito posts information on part-time jobs nationwide. You can search not only your own neighborhood (local) but also expand the search area, and search for short-term part-time jobs in distant places and daily paid part-time jobs.
You can search from the terminal station names of Shinjuku, Shibuya Terminal, and the major city names of Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka, so you can work part-time on weekends in the city of your dreams.

Save with one tap
When you find a part-time job that interests you, tap the "star mark" button to easily save it.
Saved part-time jobs can be sorted according to conditions, making it easier to find the part-time job you want.

Application function without membership registration
The Mynavi Byte College Student Edition is equipped with an easy-to-use application function that allows you to use the contents you entered last time as they are if you applied once!
When applying for the second and subsequent times, you can save yourself the troublesome input work, and it is easy to apply for multiple university student welcome part-time jobs!

The Mynavi Byte College Student Edition App is useful in times like these & recommended for people like this
Since I became a university student, I would like to try various part-time jobs.
I want to earn my salary systematically while calculating my salary with a short-term part-time job that I can easily do, a day labor part-time job
I'm busy with university classes and club activities, so I'm looking for a part-time job that is easy to manage shifts.
I want to experience various types of jobs, so I'm searching for short-term and temporary part-time jobs that welcome university students.
Since I started living alone after entering university, I want to find a part-time job at a restaurant using a part-time job search app while adjusting my timetable.
I'm looking for part-time job information that allows me to freely decide my shifts because my university exams are approaching.
During the winter break, my timetable is busy and there are many events in university circles, so I want to work part-time while calculating my salary.
I want to find a part-time job job that welcomes college students with a high salary and is popular with a free job application
Wanting to enjoy fashion like a university student, she is looking for a part-time job where she can freely wear hairstyles and clothes.
I'm looking for a part-time job for a day without knowing whether I'm suitable for standing work or office work
Recruitment information is limited in job information magazines, and I want to find a job (part-time job search) with a job information app
I want to earn pocket money with a shift-based part-time job that I can work twice a week because I am busy with university studies and circles
I want to earn tuition fees, so I want to find a part-time job with a high hourly wage and a good salary
I want to find limited-time part-time job information on the official recruitment app
I want to find a part-time job with a job information app, but I'm worried. I want to use a well-known part-time job search application
I want to find a part-time job with the free Mynavi official app
I want to find a part-time job with a free job information app for students (for college students) and inexperienced people welcome
I want to work as a day laborer and a short-term part-timer, and earn a salary while calculating my salary according to my schedule.
Even if you search for jobs on the website, only part-time jobs with preferential treatment for nursing and experienced people
There were few high-income job postings for long-term part-time jobs, so I'm looking for high-paying job postings for short-term and one-off jobs.
I want to find a job, but I don't know what type of job would suit me.
Due to sudden expenses, I am looking for a part-time job for a day with a part-time job search application that can receive a salary (daily wage) immediately.
I'm looking for a one-day part-time job (one-time part-time job) with a free job search app
I want to make 2021 a year to earn money with a part-time job to fund my job hunting activities in 2022.
I want to save money by doing a high-paying job
I want to create a schedule and manage shifts in order to be compatible with my student life, so I want to find a part-time job from the shift type
I want to work as an event staff with a one-time part-time job or a daily paid part-time job
I would like to apply for a dispatched part-time job, a day laborer part-time job, and a one-time part-time job to make effective use of holidays
I want to know the latest part-time job information, so I want a part-time job search app that will notify me of the latest part-time job information
Job information on job websites is difficult to understand, so I want to find a part-time job with a job app that can receive the latest information
I'm looking for a daily paid part-time job that can work short hours for students and is easy to manage shifts
I'm busy with my timetable, but I want to earn pocket money, so I'm looking for a dispatched part-time job that pays a high hourly rate and can earn my salary efficiently.
I want to have a part-time job that will lead to my future dream and gain advantageous experience when I am looking for a job.
I want to register as a temporary worker to work as a day laborer who can easily challenge various jobs
I would like to apply for a dispatched job or a day laborer job to make effective use of my days off.
I want a daily salary for a part-time job before the weekend event
As a university student, I can use my time freely.
I want to find a job that is popular in the job information app and find a job
Looking for a part-time job for students who can work short hours
I want to enrich my university life, so I want to find a dispatch part-time job that is easy to manage schedules and shifts according to my timetable.
I want to work part-time at year-end sales
I want a part-time job with a high hourly wage that can work only during the year-end and New Year holidays
I want a part-time job with a high hourly wage that allows me to work only on New Year's Day and the first three days of the year
I want to find a part-time job with a job search app that specializes in welcoming inexperienced people and university students
I want to find a creative part-time job such as video editing
Standing work is hard, so I want to find home work that university students can do
I am a high school student and want to concentrate and earn money before entering university
I'm a high school student and I want to earn as much money as possible during the spring break before I enter university.
I'm a high school student and want to do a resort part-time job with my friends before I graduate.
I'm a high school student and have just finished my exams.
I'm a high school student and I want to save money by doing a part-time job because it costs money to prepare for college.
I am a high school student and want to earn money so that I can go on a trip with my friends to commemorate my graduation.
I'm a high school student and I'm moving to Tokyo in the spring to go to college, so I want to start making money now.
I'm a high school student and want to work as a cram school teacher using the knowledge I gained during my exam days.
I am a high school student and want to gain social experience as soon as possible.
I'm a high school student and want to experience various part-time jobs before entering university
I'm a high school student and want to experience various part-time jobs before finding a job
I'm a high school student and want to earn money now to get a job
I'm a high school student and want to work part-time to pay for my college tuition.

This kind of experience can be solved with the Mynavi Byte College Student Edition App!
I want to find a part-time job efficiently with a recruitment app that allows me to search for part-time jobs from the university I attend
To find a workplace that suits you
Looking for a high hourly wage short-term part-time job / one-time part-time job
I want a part-time job search app that posts the latest job information
After graduating from university, I will become a full-time employee.
Until job hunting starts, I want to save money systematically while calculating my salary.
I want to earn a monthly salary of 100,000 or more by choosing a part-time job with a high hourly wage.
I want to earn money by systematically working part-time for job hunting
I want to earn more than 80,000 a month by working part-time
Looking for a part-time job with a full-time job
I want to work as a full-time employee at a part-time job with promotion to full-time employee
I want to save money systematically with double work (multiple jobs)
I want to earn more than 100,000 a month
My timetable is busy and job hunting costs money, so I want to earn money by doing a part-time job now.
I want to calculate my salary every month and plan my shifts
I'm looking for a part-time job that can work from home and work shifts according to my schedule
I need a monthly salary of 100,000 or more to buy what I want, so I'm looking for a part-time job with a high hourly wage.
Looking for shift-based part-time jobs, one-time jobs, and part-time jobs that are easy to adjust schedules
I want to search for a part-time job with full-time employment

Search for college student part-time jobs with My Navi Byte College Student!

\Thank you for your continued support of the Mynavi Byte College Student Edition App! / more
大学生のアルバイト求人検索アプリ!マイナビバイト大学生版 2.8.0 Update
Bug Fixes more
Additional Information
Category:  Lifestyle
Publisher:  Mynavi Corporation
Requirements:  Andriod 5.0+
Publish Date:  09/10/2022
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