Three Kingdoms - Overlord is a stand-alone SLG Three Kingdoms strategy game. In the game, players can choose or create their own monarch, search for talents and treasures, strengthen their strength, plan strategies, win thousands of miles away, conquer cities and conquer territories, and dominate the Central Plains.
1. 【势力武将】菜单新增搜索武将功能 2. 识破【荀攸】/逆嗜血【许禇】/愤怒【夏侯惇】/破法【魏延】/急袭【邓艾】/击溃【徐晃】/太平清道【张角】/破军【徐盛】/鼓舞【于禁等】/不屈【周泰】/破竹【杜预】技能调整 3. 五子良将【张辽 徐晃 张郃 于禁 乐进】/贤内助【黄月英 诸葛亮】/河北最强【袁绍 颜良 文丑 田丰 沮授】/江东宿将【孙坚 程普 韩当 黄盖】/灭吴二帅【羊祜 杜预】/镇守荆州【关羽 马良】/江东火神【周瑜 陆逊】/委任汉中【刘备 魏延】/太师爪牙【吕布 华雄】/太师文武【吕布 李儒】/江东风华【孙权 孙尚香】/托孤重臣【诸葛亮 李严】/铁血护卫【刘备 赵云】组合调整