The description of মহাভারত
The Mahabharata of Krishnadvaipayana diameter is one of the largest texts of ancient Indian literature and one of the world famous planets. Although there is a lot of interest, it is difficult for the common man to read this huge book or its translation in its entirety. In the eyes of those who are inquisitive, the entire Mahabharata is an invaluable treasure of archaic tradition and ancient culture, no part of it is negligible. But the general reader mainly wants to read the narrative part of the Mahabharata, the incidental flow, the context is dull and a hindrance for them.
This book is a translation of a summary of the Mahabharata. It contains the entire narrative of the original text and almost all the anecdotes, only the parts that are not interesting to the general reader are summarized, such as the detailed genealogy, which is superfluous, the context of political theology and philosophy, hymns to the gods, and repetition. The dull part of the land has been abandoned. The purpose of this transliteration is to make the entire Mahabharata as readable as a novel, while maintaining the style and features of the original text as much as possible.
The Mahabharata is called the Sanhita, or collection of scriptures, and the scriptures as the fifth Veda. The Mahabharata has been compiled by collecting all the fragments of narratives and traditions that were prevalent in ancient times. All the philosophical references in it, such as the Bhagavad Gita, are the subject of study of the spiritualist to the archaeologist. The Mahabharata is an infinite source of information about very ancient societies and principles.