The description of فوازير أسئلة الغاز
A game that includes gas, questions and puzzles for all ages, with 100 questions and 10 stages, and in the next time there will be 300 questions and 30 stages. Download the application and solve the questions. You and your friends can play by asking your friends a question and giving them the answers in the application and who answers The question is correct, you give a point, and whoever answers wrongly, do not give points or deduct a point from him, and if the points are finished, you will be graduated or re-play. You can delete a question in most questions and there is a time of 30 seconds. One question is a very interesting and wonderful application, intelligent questions, puzzles and fun gas And test the intelligence of your friends, but rather for questions and you and your friends compete to solve the questions and see who is right, rather winning and dividing the ranks each first, second and third or gold, silver and copper