Kubokot is a collection of educational and educational games for children from 3 to 5 years old. There are more than 600 of them, the complexity depends on the age of the child. All games are created by teachers and preschool education experts, and the program is based on the GEF standard.
Help your child accelerate early literacy and math development with Cubecat.
Kubokot will help prepare the child for entering school, first grade and will explain everything on the paws:
Playing with Cubecat, your child will learn letters and numbers, begin to read by syllables, learn to add and subtract. And he also learns about emotions, everyday skills and a lot of interesting things about the world around him.
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Кот или Код? Новое обновление и новые буквы! У Кубокота появились новые буквы. Теперь он твёрдо знает, что он коТ, а его команда разработчиков пишет коД. Хотите уверенно различать согласные звуки Т и Д? Тогда ищете новые задания и готовьтесь к школе вместе с нами. Удачи, котятки! Ваш кот Кубокот