Six years after the story of Resident Evil 2 ended, the UMBRELLA company has long since vanished, and Leon, a rookie police officer who narrowly escaped in Hell on Earth, has become a well-trained agent. In Resident Evil 4, he was given a top-secret mission to find Ashley, the daughter of the American president who was kidnapped, in a group of remote European villages. But as the investigation deepened, he found that things were far from being as simple as he thought. Although the villagers appear to be no different from normal humans on the surface, they have a more ferocious nature than those virus-infected zombies in the past. Viruses, ambitions, mysterious organizations, around these keywords, a new adventure begins again. Whether you can unravel the doubts shrouded in the truth, and whether you can successfully escape with the weak Ashley, the answer lies in your hands in front of the monitor.