Have you ever accessed the website or a Metro application or give CPTM and they reported that the situation of the line you usually take was normal and was not quite the reality?
I believe so, so I let Meu Metrô help you!
Meu Metrô brings together the information that companies disclose in one tab for those who want to keep track of official information, and in another tab with information shared by other users in an objective and quick way.
If you want you can choose the days, times and lines that you want to be notified if there is any change, and you can choose whether you prefer to be notified only by official information, or by users or both. This way you won't be receiving notifications that don't make sense to you every time.
You can access the Metropolitan Transport map by zooming in to see the lines better and being able to plan your route without having to stand at the station looking at the map or looking for employees to ask for line information.
When selecting a line you will have access to all stations of it, being able to see information of all stations such as if there is a bathroom, if there is wifi, if there are elevators ...
You can also see the opening hours of each station and its address.
Meu Metrô also has a small form that makes it easier for the user to complete the report and helps the company to act faster with the information necessary to deal with the occurrence.
And best of all, Meu Metrô is only just beginning, the app is in full development and will soon receive more updates with more features to make life easier for those who depend on rail transportation in the largest city in the country.
Disclose to your acquaintances and friends that I also use Metro and CPTM, the more people use the better the status of the lines disclosed by users.
Leave your suggestions and criticisms of what My Metro could help you with on a daily basis and we will work to serve you.
[email protected]
- Informações de novas estações. - Atualização do mapa metropolitano. - Correções e melhorias de desempenho.