The description of Loans
When you have many loans to pay or collect, you often forget the details of the loan and the follow-up.
The application has the following features to help you with your loans:
* Login with the same Google account or create a new one to save your data on the servers.
* Register a new debt:
- Choose type of owes
- Write the name of the person
- Write an amount and if you want to change the type of currency.
- Write the number that represents the interest percentage on the debt and change the interest accrual period (Annual, Monthly, etc.).
- Write the reason (optional)
- Select the payment period
- Select the date or the day or time according to the selected period
* Edit the debt if there was an error with the amount, name, etc.
* Eliminate if a debt is no longer needed
* Select a photo (of the person, company, receipt) of the debt from your camera or from the gallery.
* Starts to record the collections and payments made (Collect, Pay).
* The debts of the sections "Owes me" and "I owe" are ordered according to the closest payment.
* For the section "All debts" are ordered according to the creation date.
* The debt no longer appears in the sections "Owes me" and "I owe" in cases where the amount to be paid is zero (amount paid).
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