The description of İslami Bilgi Yarışması
Our brand new Islamic information contest game is with you. With our hundreds of questions in the light of religious information, play our game prepared in millionaire style, either online or online.
Our game is a free Islamic information contest game, where you can test your own religious knowledge as well as compete with other players, with options to play online and without internet. You will also be able to get a lot of new information about the religion of Islam by competing in the game. Our game, consisting of carefully prepared questions by the experts of the subject, continues to renew itself with new questions and features.
About the game:
We all have a variety of information about our religion more or less. Thanks to religious books, our teachers, Diyanet, Islamic history and sometimes even religious stories, we have learned a lot of information. So are you curious about your level of religious knowledge? Our Islamic Quiz game can give you the answer to this question. You can test your level of knowledge in the game either by playing without internet, or by competing with other players.
Competition Types:
There are 3 different types of competition in the game; True-False, 1v1 Competition and Classic Competition. As it can be understood from the name of True-False, it is a format consisting only of questions such as true or false. The classical contest is a type of contest that consists of four questions and resembles a millionaire style. The 1v1 competition is a type of pvp type competition that allows two players to compete by asking the same five questions. Our Islamic information contest game will choose to play non-1v1 types without internet, but 1v1 contest can only be played online.
Best Rankings:
The points earned for the types of competitions mentioned above in the game are listed in both daily and all times. In this way, competition increases and the game becomes more enjoyable.
There are many successes in our Islamic information competition game that will increase the competition and enjoyment of the game. As you complete these achievements, the level of the players increases, so the player can earn more points.
Many more surprises are waiting for you in our content game!
Our game is constantly developing and renewing itself with both new questions and new features. For questions or comments about the game, you can email us:
Download our game where you can test your level of knowledge by competing both with yourself and other players, and start competing online or online.
The most comprehensive, full, top quality Islamic Quiz game prepared to date, for free, download and start playing now!