Developed in-house by Digis Squared, INOS is an intelligent, automated testing, benchmarking and analysis platform for network operators and service providers, delivering drive testing (DT), in-building solution (IBS) capability, end to end IoT system testing, and much more, whilst decreasing both the time taken to complete the work and opex cost.
INOS is also used by Regulators needing to independently assess coverage and throughput rates, using a vendor-agnostic tool, with the support of our independent telecoms experts.
Using cloud-controlled mobiles mounted in cars or taken around buildings, INOS collects and uploads data to the cloud, and eliminates the need for a laptop or engineers in the car, or out and about inside buildings. INOS can receive updated test scripts in the field to instantly re-analyse live network configuration changes, avoiding expensive follow-up field trips. It minimises the sometimes chaotic nature of drive tests, and ensures your staff can work alone at Covid-19 safe distances.
In the (private or public) cloud, engineers can handle on-screen post-processing, as well as generate all the reports needed, with a single click.
INOS testing capabilities include,
Voice (MOS is included for both CS voice and VoLTE)
Video (PEVQs supported)
OTT apps – measure and analyse E2E real-user experience (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube etc)
IoT – CAT-M, NB-IoT 1, NB-IoT 2
Deep-layer analysis L3/L2/L1, and TCP/IP layer
All network technologies – 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE (including LTE 600MHz) and 5G
In-building, drive-testing, end to end IoT testing, and single site verification
Multi-vendor 5G chipsets: Huawei, Samsung and Qualcomm flagship mobiles
O-RAN functionality testing.
INOS reduces the time and opex to deliver reports and actionable recommendations: Single Site Verification is reduced from two days to just one, and benchmarking from four days to the same day.
Use case based testing
INOS: Modular architecture, designed with uses cases at its heart
Supported use cases
DT – investigative Drive Testing, with automatic reporting
SSV – Single Site Verification
BM – Benchmarking between different operators, or within the same operator before and after specific tests
IBS – In Building Solution (indoor testing, typically for office buildings and shopping malls, including 5G technology)
Customer complaints handling, including VIP
O-RAN functionality support: end to end from radio through to interoperability testing between O-RAN and Legacy RAN
IoT – Internet of Things testing.
Live monitoring ensures that data can be analysed in real-time, enabling engineers at HQ to make configuration changes and instantly assess the impact in the field.
Real-time identification of zones with no coverage, dropped calls, low speeds or latency, ensuring customer complaints can be resolved quickly and efficiently.
Robotics post-processing developed by Digis Squared’s Radio and CX experts saves massive amounts of client-time in processing logs, and delivers accurate visibility on bad coverage, bad quality, low throughput spots as well as missing neighbours, high overlapping areas, and HW issues that hit any site (for example, cross feeder, cross sectors and VSWR).
Data can be aggregated at the cell, site, area, user or mobile level, enabling engineers to drill down to the required level of detail when monitoring network performance.
Improve VIP and customer experience by troubleshooting end-to-end performance issues, understand churn behaviour and obtain performance data before / after move.
Additional features
Configuration browser: audit, browse and map the configuration of different sites via one interface
Network planning: easy access to configuration and radio network planning
KPI management: multi-vendor KPI reporting and automatic degradation tool
INOS 5G complete testing set enables visibility of more than two hundred different network KPIs
Inos Driver Navigation