Use Gamma Master - RF Reflection Calculator to quickly and easily analyze the results of common microwave and RF mismatch situations!
This simple-to-use helper converts instantly between reflection terms:
◼ Gamma (Γ) or reflection coefficient
◼ VSWR - Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
◼ Return Loss (in dB)
◼ Equivalent source and load resistances
◼ Mismatch loss
In addition, it instantly shows the mismatch uncertainty, in magnitude and phase between two mismatch situations.
Solve your common electrical and electronic engineering problems quickly and easily with Gamma Master.
For convenience, several useful features are added:
◼ The nominal impedance can be specified to whatever you wish.
◼ All settings can be saved for instant retrieval
◼ Help documentation is embedded to explain each of the parameters as well as provide a handy reference of the equations behind them.
Updated to target Android 13 (API 33). Fixed spacing errors in the help pages.