The description of eccp
Professional Edition - increase in the number of products - improvement in speed
Algeria Post application, the new one that contains all our products is free; sophisticated as it facilitates your life and compensates you for every step you take to go to post offices
From now all you have to do is run the application and when the main interface appears, choose from these services what you want:
* Latest important news
* Calculating fees applied when withdrawing
* An adequate and comprehensive explanation of the gold card and its services
* Explanation of drawing without a card
* Written application form to retrieve the gold card
* Re-issuance of the golden card secret code
* Add "Banksy" service
* My Credit Service (ECCP)
* Send service
* My mail mob
* Requesting a gold card
* Postal code
* Track your parcel
__ Private service __
* Postal services
* Financial services
* Cash services (gold)
Business Services
* Financial services. Postal and cash
* Postal services
* Neighborhood services
__ Postal networks __
* List of post offices
* List of mobile post offices
* List of automatic windows
* List of Postal CCD Distribution Centers
* List of postal processing centers (CTR, CPX, CTNI)
* Contact list of state mail units
____ philatelic ___
* Profiles of postage stamps
* Series of philatelic publications since 1962
About Algeria Post
* Presentation on Algeria Post
* A historical locality on the Algeria Post
__ Space for postal workers ___
* Announcements of competitions and nominations
Online training
-------- News and developments --------
* Daily news
A word from the General Manager
------ Notices and tenders -------
* Directorate General
* State postal units
------- frequently asked questions -----
* electronic services
* Financial services
* Postal services (letters and parcels)
* Postal network