The description of Document Reader Word Excel PDF
Document Reader - All Office Documents Viewer in which you can view, read & manage your all type of document files on your mobile. This is all-in-one full office suite app.
All Office Documents Viewer application is a simple, light weight application in which you can view , read and manage your all type of documents such as office documents Word (doc, docx), Excel Sheet (xls, xlsx), PowerPoint Presentation Slides (ppt, pptx) , pdf, txt, html, csv, xml in a much easy and better way. By using this application, you can view all your document on your mobile phone on the go. Moreover, you can share single or Multiple documents very easily with your loved ones. This app consumes very less space into your phone. Its process the files so quick open or view your documents.
Document Reader - All Office Documents Viewer reading multiple kinds of files like docx, pptx , xlsx , pdf , csv , txt , html etc this application like a portable pocket document reader. Any where everywhere you can easily view your presentations, your sales or expense balance sheets , read your pdf books, notes , your office documents reports in a very easy way.
By screen touch gestures you can easily View, Read, Zoom in, Zoom out, Rotate your documents to read perfectly or you can fit document view according to your screen display size. Easily delete & share multiple documents. Documents files beautifully categorized in a good manner so you can find or search documents quickly by this app. You cam also arrange, sort documents according to name , size, date modified.For reading and viewing documents in a more convenient way you can use landscape mode to read , view files documents easily.
Main Features of Document Reader - All Office Documents Viewer:
- Documents viewing
- Documents reading
- Managing documents
With this application you can open and view following type of documents files:
• Office presentations or slides ppt , pptx reader and viewer
• Word doc , docx
• Excel Sheets xls , xlsx
• PowerPoint Presentation Slides ppt , pptx
• Text Files txt
• Ebook Reader
• Other documents files like PDF , XML , CSV , HTML
Document Manager:
It well manage your documents this app gets all documents from your phone storage and present to you by category with different type of sorting as you want all. It is very simple, making it easy to use.
Supports multiple compatibility with office formats including DOC, DOCX, XLS, TXT, XLS, PPT, PPTX and PDF.