We know how boring is to look for personal blogs for people to connect and communicate. We are here to change that.
We are a platform where you can talk about any topic you want. We'll help you find information on all sorts of topics, from computers to books to video games to health.
For readers:
- Follow topics and browse quality content.
- Explore and learn.
Search for the topic you want and get information.
- Interact.
You can comment on the article you read.
For Bloggers:
Blogpad is an innovative new blogging app that makes it easy to create, edit, and publish your own online blog.
Blogpad lets you share your thoughts, ideas and photos with the world. The platform includes simple but powerful tools to keep you organized, focused and productive.
Create a blog and publish your first post in minutes.
Product Features:
- Easy to use – Just click “+” and start typing away!
- Create multiple blogs quickly and easily.
- Integrated Analytics - Users can follow traffic and performance statistics within the system.
- Quickly add photos directly into your posts.
- Manage your posts with ease.
- Keep track of all your comments and replies on any post.
- Organize your posts into categories and subcategories.
Overall performance improved