Provides 6000+ bike stations' geographic information of every type of bike in Taiwan, including YouBike / YouBike 2.0 / iBike / T-Bike / Pbike / K-bike ...etc.
Now BikesHere supports these areas:
- Taipei
- New Taipei
- Taoyuan
- Hsinchu
- Miaoli
- Taichung
- Chiayi
- Tainan
- Kaohsiung
- Pingtung
- Kinmen
BikesHere uses the following open data:
- 交通部PTX平臺
- 新北市公共自行車租賃系統(YouBike)
- YouBike臺北市公共自行車即時資訊
- YouBike2.0臺北市公共自行車即時資訊
- 新北市公共自行車租賃系統(YouBike2.0)
The Theme Photo Credit: 平君黃@Flickr, License: CC BY PDM 1.0
New Feature - Add a new type of marker for the electric bike. - Add stations of YouBike 2.0 in Hsinchu.