The description of Başkan Online
What city are you in? Istanbul, Izmir, Adana, Ankara, Antalya...
It does not matter!
Whether you are the president of your own city and manage your city or become the president of Turkey..
Choose your target and fight against real users.
President - Online, which took its place in the AppStore to be the best of strategy games, is one of the best rpg games among simulator games with its completely renewed design.
In the first place, try to earn money by doing solo jobs or joint ventures. Then, with the money you earn, you can buy trade items and sell them more expensive in other cities!
And while doing these, both earn presidency points and create an environment that will carry you to power.
Of course, while doing these, do not forget that you have to work hard to finish primary, secondary, high school and university and you will need money in education!
Come on, don't stop! Determine your strategy and bring the party you will establish or the party you are a member of to power! Moreover, with completely real users, the number of which is based on 20 thousand.
Instagram: @baskanapp
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Email Address: İletiş[email protected]
Service Name: VIP LEVEL 1
VIP 1 provides up to 25% advantage in transactions and shop rentals during the game.
Subscriptions are automatically renewed every month. Payment will be reflected from your Google Play Store account after your confirmation. The subscription continues unless cancelled.
Service Name: VIP LEVEL 2
VIP 2 provides an advantage of up to 50% in terms of transactions and shop rentals during the game.
Subscriptions are automatically renewed every month. Payment will be reflected from your Google Play Store account after your confirmation. The subscription continues unless cancelled.
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