Dr. Ontol is a service that 'interprets' the patient's 'test result sheet' received at the hospital.
In most cases, the test result sheet, which is usually received in paper, is left somewhere and cannot be found or lost in a place that cannot be remembered.
In addition, the test result sheet is filled with difficult medical terms, so it is very difficult for most patients to understand, and for detailed information about their disease, they have to understand their disease only from the memory of a short consultation with the attending physician.
Although patients with cancer and incurable diseases are constantly undergoing examinations at the hospital and long-term management is necessary for the patient and his/her family, after a complicated hospital examination, it is difficult to know exactly their disease through a brief consultation with a doctor, and information on medical terms in the results sheet It's not even easy.
Dr. Ontol interprets the ‘paper’ result sheet provided to the patient from examinations such as CT/MRI.
Dr. Ontol is a service that interprets medical terms in an easy-to-understand way for patients to overcome the limitations of the vagueness of information that patients feel. This is a storage service.
We aim to support patients' recovery by leveling vague medical information by understanding their disease in simple words, which was lacking through a short consultation with the attending physician, and by acquiring information about the disease and disease more objectively.
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