❶ You can check the results of ASICS HEALTH CARE CHECK on the app anytime, anywhere!
❷ We provide a "recommended exercise plan for you" customized according to the measurement results!
❸ Continue exercising happily with in-app point ranking missions!
* Some functions can be used by those who have not undergone ASICS Healthcare Check.
[Check the measurement results and aim to improve your health]
This app is for checking the measurement results of "ASICS HEALTH CARE CHECK" and promoting health improvement according to the results. ASICS HEALTH CARE CHECK is a measurement service that analyzes and evaluates the degree of physical and mental health based on scientific evidence from various data on human body and health accumulated abundantly at ASICS Sports Engineering Laboratory.
[Training that suits you anytime, anywhere]
According to the results of ASICS HEALTH CARE CHECK and your "parts of concern", we will provide you with an easy-to-understand video of the optimal "health improvement exercise" customized for each person.
* Some functions can be used even if there is no ASICS HEALTH CARE CHECK result.
[Achieve missions and make training a daily habit]
By sticking to daily missions set daily or weekly, you can make training a habit and accelerate your health improvement.
[Aim for Mochipo Ranking / Higher Rank]
You can get points "Mochipo" by taking health improvement actions such as training.
In addition, the rank will be decided according to the monthly acquisition motivation. Let's do our best to become an "exercise master".
In addition, you can see the "ranking" of motivation and the number of trainings, so you can enjoy training aiming for higher ranks.
いつもアシックスウェルネスコンサルタントをご利用頂きありがとうございます。 2点のアップデートを行いました。 ①トレーニング動画を45種類追加、合計100種類に! 100種類の豊富な動画の中から、自分に合ったトレーニングを日々の運動習慣に取り入れていきましょう! また、ASICS HEALTH CARE CHECKを受けられた方は、測定結果に合わせて100種類の中からカスタマイズし、 あなたに合ったトレーニングをご提案することも可能です。 ②「トレーニングの目的」でトレーニング動画を絞り込みが可能に! 「気軽なものから始めたい」「肩こり腰痛を改善したい」「短時間集中で鍛えたい」など11種類の目的からご選択して頂くことで、 あなたの目的に合ったトレーニングをご提案できるようになりました。 ※①②はAHCC会員やオンラインフィットネス会員が利用可能な機能となります また、引き続き期間限定で 「オンラインフィットネスプログラム」の「2週間無料トライアルキャンペーン」を実施中! 詳しくはアプリにログイン後、プロフィール画面の「会員プランを変更する」ボタンからご確認ください。