The description of WORDLI
☕ Guess the English Word in six tries.
💯 Play unlimited WORDLI games everyday.
💁 Thesaurus feature is available to learn the dictionary meanings of the guess word with sample sentence and word audio where available.
💁 Players have six attempts to guess a five-letter word, with feedback given for each guess in the form of colored tiles indicating when letters match or occupy the correct position.
📢 WORDLI has a database of over 2000 commonly used English words for guess purposes.
ℹ The WORDLI word guess game is based on the mechanics of the 1955 pen-and-paper game or related letters puzzles.
📢 Players have unlimited attempts of the WORDLI words guess game.
✅ Learn new words every day.
✅ Easy to Learn and Play.
✅ Unlimited games every day.
✅ Share with your family friends.
✅ Learn dictionary meanings of the new words.