W.H.S Pharmacy offers convenient medical services and affordable quality healthcare products such as medical devices, personal care, beauty and cosmetics to your home or office.
In a few a clicks you can use WHS Pharmacy App to book medical services and order healthcare products to be delivered at your home or office.
To purchase medicines from your doctor, a copy of the prescription is mandatory to submit. Just upload a copy of the prescription and our pharmacist will take care of the rest
Why W.H.S Pharmacy App?
It's convenient and saves you time
- No need to travel to a pharmacy to find out if they have the medicine you need
- Send prescriptions at your own time and from the comfort of your home
- Get medications delivered to your doorstep if you choose delivery method
It's Safe, especially during the pandemic
- No waiting in crowds or line-ups for healthcare services and products
- Get your test results securely sent to you and explained at no cost
Interact with your pharmacist
- Live Chat, Audio or Video Call with your pharmacist
- Ask questions to your pharmacist and get answers instantly
* Book Minute Clinic Test
* Book Lab Test
* View your lab results securely on the app
* Search & Buy Medicines & Healthcare Products
* Upload Prescription
* Refill Medicine on single click
* View our Offers
* Medicine Reminder
* Request for new products
* Get best discount
Just show your app to your pharmacist and start enjoying discounts.
We hope this app will make your life easier and keep you safe! If you have any feedback or concerns, please contact us at [email protected]
Released version 1.0.2