This app downloads and displays the CEFET-MG SIGAA scores, but only those of the subjects that are in progress this semester.
THIS APPLICATION IS DEVELOPED BY STUDENT TO STUDENT. CEFET-MG has nothing to do with it. The information is obtained by webscrapping, so it is dependent on the availability of SIGAA just like a browser and is as slow as it gets. The advantage is that you do not have to manually navigate the site and have the information all on one screen.
And guys, giving a bad grade makes no difference, I get nothing out of it here, so if no one uses me I don't lose anything at all. Complaining in the note comment does not resolve. I am not even notified when you do this. If something goes wrong, email me or create a GitHub Issue that I try to help. Complaining about not having an iOS version on the Play Store even makes sense. But for those who complained: I won't pay $ 99 to publish an app.
Pequena melhoria de performance. Lembrando que o SIGAA é lento, logo não tem como melhorar muito a performance do aplicativo.