The description of Reversi
The Rules:
The game uses a square board of 8 × 8 cells and 64 special pieces, painted on different sides in contrasting colors. One player plays white, the other plays black. When making a move, the player places a chip on the square of the board with his “own” color up.
At the beginning of the game, 4 chips are placed in the center of the board.
Black makes the first move. The players then move in turn.
When making a move, the player must place his chip on one of the cells of the board in such a way that between this placed chip and one of the chips already on the board of his color there is a continuous row of opponent's chips, horizontal, vertical or diagonal (in other words, so that a continuous row of chips opponent turned out to be "closed" by the player's chips on both sides). All opponent's chips included in the “closed” row on this move are turned over to the other side (change color) and go to the player who moved.
If, as a result of one move, more than one row of enemy chips is “closed” at the same time, then all the chips that are on those “closed” rows that come from the placed chip are turned over.
The player has the right to choose any of the possible moves for him. If a player has possible moves, he cannot refuse a move. If a player has no legal moves, then the move is passed to the opponent.
The game ends when all the pieces are placed on the board or when none of the players can make a move. At the end of the game, the chips of each color are counted, and the player whose chips are placed on the board more is declared the winner. In case of equality in the number of chips, a draw is counted.