The application came into existence due to the great difficulty that are the revalidation exams of medical diploma in Brazil.
Aiming at this difficulty, we developed Revalida Brasil, where users will have the possibility to answer previous tests for specialties. The doctor will be able to monitor your development by general statistical data or by specialties, thus helping your performance for studies.
Through an objective and dynamic platform the app will provide the doctor with a focused study, as it brings up the questions already asked by the institutions. The important difference of this application is that the doctor will answer all the tests by specialties and general, being able to define the amount of question to be answered and the time, so you will have greater control over your studies. The app allows the doctor to follow his studies by statistics since he started his journey with the app.
Application features:
# Discursive Simulations; Through this tool the user will be able to answer the questions in a
discursive, and you can check your answer in the template
# Selection of Evidence; This tool provides the possibility to choose the specialties to be answered
# Definitions / Dictionary; In this tool the user as soon as he does not know a word, it will be possible to consult a dictionary
# Commented Questions; This tool will provide the commented questions as soon as there is
# Notepad; In this tool the user will have the possibility to take notes of each question, during the simulation and being able to review their notes in the template as soon as they finish their studies.
# Attachment; This tool will bring the possibility of displaying a text attached to the question
# History of Saved Evidence; This tool will save all the simulated and Discursive Simulated games
# Developed in a graphics engine (unity);
# Harmonic and smooth designer;
# Questions and answers from past exams;
# The doctor defines the amount, time, and specialty of questions he wants to answer;
# System of internal randomness of the system (the questions will always be random);
# Simulated correction system: correct, wrong and null;
# Feedback
# Statistical graphs by specialty;
# General statistical graph;
# Strategic announcements, with awards.
Obs .: Keep your application always updated !!!
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