This application is designed to learn and review radiological concepts, in a friendly environment, in a simple and agile way, through a system of clinical cases with questions and answers associated with images. It is an interactive tool, aimed at students of medicine and physiotherapy at the University of Córdoba, Spain (UCO) that allows them to learn about the different diagnostic imaging techniques, their usefulness for each disease and anatomical area, as well as the clinical correlation -radiological.
The clinical case is presented with a brief legend, associated with key images. Each true or false answer has a short explanation that can also be supported by an edited image. Clinical cases are presented periodically through a notification system. There is also a database of cases classified by organs and systems, by techniques used, by type of pathology or by level of difficulty, which allow reviewing the subject or helping in the study of other subjects of the degree.
Among the main objectives and benefits of the application we can find:
- Access to a wide base of images in a simple, dynamic and economic way.
- Allows learning at any time and place constantly and on demand.
- The study of cases based on imaging with a small clinical history helps clinical-radiological correlation, as well as the differential diagnosis of different syndromes/pathologies.
- Mobile devices are widely extended, so in this way they become a practical tool that integrates naturally in the educational field.
- The image bank, based on clinical cases, complements the theoretical part of the subject.
-The student can keep track of their results, and as it is organized by sections, modalities, pathology and degree of difficulty, it allows them to know their level and the areas where they need to improve.
- Configura modo oscuro - Arreglos varios del diseño - Arregla pantalla de carga