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这是一个神奇的玩具工厂,他拥有着世界上最好的玩具和最好的销售量,可是这背后却隐藏着一个残忍的事实 作为前员工的你需要一步步解开工厂的谜题,最后和他们逃出去 您的版本号应该为0.3.6(测试) 0.3.6版本更新了新的场景,Grabpack的优化 注意:您的手机如果配置不好,可能会出现无法进入游戏,游戏内反射不真实,闪退的问题 此次支持的最低安卓版本为10 注意:截图为作者手机运行时的游戏图片,不代表游戏的运行效果 所有机型通用,除了鸿蒙3.0以上,安卓10以下,设备配置过低开低画质,如果你的设备配置很高,请开高画质(默认设置)获得最高体验 初次进入游戏需要编译shader,所以进入时间偏长,需耐心等待 卸载游戏后数据不会进行保存
Bug Fixes:
Resolved an issue where the player camera would drift unexpectedly.
Fixed the issue with the yellow arm failing to connect electricity properly.
Addressed decal rendering problems.
Fixed a bug where excessive deaths caused the screen to become unresponsive.
Squashed various other bugs for a smoother experience.
New Additions:
Added a dreamlike filter and dynamic camera shake to enhance immersion.
Introduced atmospheric smoke effects for a more engaging environment.
Adjusted some filters for improved visual aesthetics.
Tweaked player movement speed in dream sequences for better pacing.
Updated parts of the UI for a more polished interface.
Improved compatibility with a wider range of devices.