Come up with as many words as you can as fast as possible that use three random letters in order. If you get stuck, get new letters. But, be careful about wasting time!
For example, given the letters [QRI]:
[Q]UA[R]ANT[I]NE works, but
[Q]UE[R]Y does not because it is missing an [I], and
IN[Q]UI[R]E does not because the [I]s all come before they are supposed to.
There are three game modes: two timed (60 seconds and 180 seconds), and one endless. Local high scores are recorded for each.
Unfortunately, the game is currently only in English (with mostly American English spellings).
This game is based on a word game my family used to play on roadtrips. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did, because I have plenty of ideas for future updates. Let me know what you think!
WHAT'S NEW IN VERSION 1.0 + Added new game modes (replacing some old ones). + New game modes provide point and/or time bonuses. + Or you can play the classic (CLS) version! + Fixed some minor bugs/inconveniences. See the full change log here: