A board game which can either unite everyone in desire to find the one with the parasite or completely divide the party members.
One of the players will have the parasite. Depending on the mode, the host will know if they have it.
Two game modes:
-One parasite (only host knows they have the parasite)
-Together (nobody knows who has the parasite)
You can talk, ask, answer, gossip, convince, command to reach your goal in the game. Use items, e.g. diagnosis, vaccination, and radar. Decide whom to kick from the party.
Win as a team or as a loner.
Up to 20 people can be playing in a single match! There has to be at least 3 people to play the game.
HOWEVER, "Together" mode allows to play alone. Who said you can't play on your own against bot?
Fixed an awful bug