Most popular Snakes and Ladders, also known as VaikunthaPali, వైకుంఠపాళి, MokshaPatamu, మోక్షపటము, Snake and Ladder, Moksha Patam, Moksha Patamu, Vaikuntha Pali, VaikuntaPali, Chutes and Ladders, Ups and Downs, పరమపదసోపాన పటము, Paramapada Sopana Patamu, Saanp Seedi is a worldwide classic game.
⭐ The historic version of the game VaikunthaPali (Ancient Snakes and Ladders) had its roots in morality lessons, on which a player's progression up the board represented a life journey complicated by virtues (ladders) and vices (snakes). Thus, can be considered as the best Snakes and Ladders variation.
🇮🇳 Great Snakes and ladders is popular in India by other names as
⭐ Hindi: Moksha Patam,
⭐ Hindi: Saanp aur Seedhi,
⭐ Hindi: Saanp Seedhi,
⭐ Hindi: Mokshapat,
⭐ Telugu: Vaikunthapali,
⭐ Telugu: Paramapada Sopana Patam,
⭐ Tamil: Parama padam,
⭐ Some places: Chutes and Ladders,
⭐ Meaning: The ladder to salvation.
The phrase,⭐ "Back to Square One" originated in the popular game of snakes and ladders.
In this application, Ladders are replaced with ⭐GREEN LINES (EXPRESS WAYS) and Snakes are replaced with ⭐RED LINES.
Although many variations, reaching the square ⭐132 is considered as WINNING. ⭐Extra chances when player enters EXPRESS WAYS (i.e., GREEN LINES) and when the DICE rolls to number SIX. (Note: No extra chance when player enters RED LINES irrespective of what number the DICE shows.).
⭐Board design: Inspired by Indian Snakes and Ladders game board. (Vaikuntapali - Snakes and Ladders Indian version)
Game Modes:
⭐1. Play Offline
⭐2. Play With Computer
⭐3. Join Online Game (Friends)
⭐4. Create Online Game (Friends)
⭐5. Random Online Game
⭐6. Watch Computer vs Computer
⭐Number of Players: ⭐Six.
(Most other applications are just providing two or four player games. ⭐Multiplayer games: In this application, up to six players can play both online and offline games)
⭐DISCLAIMER: This game is for casual playing and entertainment purpose only.
Let's download and enjoy playing the worldwide classic, most popular Snakes and Ladders game.
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