This checkers variant is also known as:
✓ Jamaican checkers
✓ Pool checkers
✓ American pool checkers
✓ Swedish draughts
✓ Norwegian draughts
Variant played in Jamaica has flipped horizontally board.
✓ One or Two player mode
✓ Attractive classic wooden retro interface with US attributes
✓ Many boards - Las Vegas, Jamaican, wooden, marble, flat
✓ Ability to compose own game position
✓ Review saved games
✓ Ability to save games and continue later
✓ Undo move
✓ Auto-save
✓ Statistics
✓ Sounds
✓ Parental control
Short rules description:
✓ Board 8x8 with checkers 12
✓ Begin blacks
✓ Flying kings
✓ Any sequence may be chosen, as long as all possible captures are made
✓ Capture continues and a man does not change status
# Some small fixes