The description of Hello, Doc! для пациента
Stay in touch with your personal doctor in a specialized medical application. Chat, call, send voice messages, files, photos or videos.
Get free consultations from the on-call doctor: advice on how to better prepare for an examination by a narrow specialist, where it is better to start diagnostics or treatment, where it is more profitable to take tests, and much more.
Use corporate programs Hello,Doc! with leading network laboratories. Get discounts up to 30%, fast registration through the application, as well as free interpretation of the test results from experienced doctors. Store results from different labs in one app.
Pass our comprehensive Check-up, check the body in more than 60 parameters and find out the balance of vitamins and microelements, prevent problems and improve the quality of life. Tests can be taken close to home, and you will receive detailed recommendations from a qualified doctor right in the application.
Your data and correspondence are confidential, stored in accordance with the requirements for personal data, are not used for advertising purposes and are not transferred to third parties.