Dr. Raturi has done his MBBS ,MD from SMS Medical College ,Jaipur. He is presently practicing experience and is very well respected among his medical peers and community for his professional and social service in field of pediatric medicine. He is H.O.D. of Medicine at Swasthya Kalyan Medical College for last 18 years.
Dr. Raturi is Advisory and Director of Mahesh Hospital. He has done more than 1000 free medical camps for various socities and organizations. Apart from Medical Profession ,he is a multi facet personality. He has been theatre artist ,and has performed on television. He is Ardent golfer and has won many Golf Tournaments including Local Mercedes Benz Tournament . His personal discipline and achievements exemplify his professional commitments.
MEngage develops mass consumer engagement application for doctors on both Android and IOS platforms. It is a team of wide variety of technology Individuals , Startup Entrepeur’s and co-founders . The organisation believes in building never-ending relationships with customers by sharing professional and ethical values. .
1.Appointment Booking And Video Consulting. 2.Appointment Tracker. 2.Medical Records. 3.Doctors Blogs. 4.Live Chat with Doctors. 5.Health Tips From Doctor.