You are a customer and TELETRANS Cofidoc and you want to buy time to send your documents? Cofi'docs is the ideal tool to transmit the documents needed for billing, you are nursing, taxi, physiotherapist, speech therapist and others.
To use it simply to have your login and password. You will be heading on a page based on your activity: a page for healthcare professionals or for taxis.
By logging in, you can easily:
- Create, edit and delete Record your patient in one click
- Access the list of all your patients
- Taking pictures of paperwork related to your patients in one click (order, Mutual certificate, good transport)
- Consult / delete document history
- Share with nursing colleagues in the same office
The send photos to your secretary Cofidoc automatically as soon as your phone is connected to the internet (WiFi, 3G, 4G, Edge). You can see if your secretary has received the document or not.
With its simple and intuitive navigation, you can not do without !!
If you are not Cofidoc customer and want information, contact us at or by mail to [email protected].
Correction sur les ordonnances des Kinés Correction sur l'affichage du clavier