Just playing a game of chess is difficult in terms of time, isn't it?
Not in chess on small boards! Games are possible here that also fit in between
Chess on small and very small boards
Play shorter games on one of twelve board sizes
Always the same – especially at the beginning?
Varied games due to different starting positions
Do chess games often end in a draw?
Try an asymmetrical setup!
Differences to big chess
- The game is played on smaller boards up to a size of 6×6 fields
- The pawn can only move one square forward, even on the first move
- The pawn is always transformed into a queen when entering the last square
- There is no castling. This applies to both rook and rookless setups
Sounds exciting, then try it out right away!
- The minimum age to use the app is 16 years
- We recommend a display size of at least 4.5 inches (approx. 11.4 cm)
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