Bsoft Docs is a tool to facilitate the process of receiving, storing and managing Electronic Tax Documents received by companies.
With the Docs app, you can import NF-e, NFC-e, CT-e, CT-e OS and CF-e SAT by scanning the Bar Code or QR Code through the camera of your smartphone or tablet. It is also possible to share (via E-mail, WhatsApp, etc.), view and print the PDF file of these documents.
Discover this system, tested and approved by thousands of customers. Download the Bsoft Docs app now and see how easy it is to manage your documents! ;)
Main features:
- Sefaz Consultation via Digital Certificate;
- Recipient's Electronic Manifestation;
- Provision of Services in Disagreement;
- Document Markers;
- Support for offline operations;
- Individual and batch operations;
- Viewing, printing and downloading the PDF;
- Sharing via E-mail, WhatsApp, etc;
- Import by reading the Bar Code;
- Import by reading the QR Code;
- Import via image or PDF file;
- Manual import of the Access Key.
Your evaluation is very important to us! Rate us, give us your opinion and send your suggestions so we can improve this application and improve your experience with our system.
To learn how to use the Docs app and dashboard, visit
Want to know more about Bsoft Docs? Contact us or visit and find out about all the features and plans available.
Nesta nova versão, realizamos ajustes das abas na página principal, possibilitando a visualização dos documentos Emitidos e Recebidos separadamente. A aba Empresas foi movida para uma página, que pode ser acessada através do menu lateral. Além disso, é possível ser direcionado para Central de Ajuda e Atendimento via Chat de forma prática e sem falhas. Também corrigimos bugs, a fim de melhorar a performance do App. Tem alguma dúvida? Converse conosco através das redes sociais: @bsoft