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Apple Music(Premium Subscription)
Apple Music(Premium Subscription)
Apple Music(Premium Subscription)
1.7.2 for Android
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Apple Music(Premium Subscription) screenshot image
Apple Music(Premium Subscription) screenshot image
Apple Music(Premium Subscription) screenshot image
Apple Music(Premium Subscription) screenshot image
Apple Music(Premium Subscription) screenshot image
Apple Music(Premium Subscription) screenshot image
Apple Music(Premium Subscription) screenshot image
Apple Music(Premium Subscription) screenshot image
Apple Music(Premium Subscription) screenshot image
The description of Apple Music(Premium Subscription)
Music is always a factor that makes everyone feel comfortable when they can find moments of peace and match their mood. In other words, they are immersed in their worlds and relaxed after stressful moments. Simultaneously, given many songs, they can find different genres depending on their situation and mood. So if you are a second art lover and want to connect to a vast music store, then Apple Music is the perfect choice for you.Apple Music gives you soft and beautiful graphics that anyone would want to explore and experience. If you see an image of the app, you will surely recognize it is similar to Apple’s music store. So, those who love quality music, can not ignore this application to experience. One of the unique elements that the application can bring is its user-friendly interface.When starting to use the application, the user can see the same closeness as other music players. The selected colors are gentle bright colors that the user can feel comfortable with. Simultaneously, the distribution of the updated songs or the toolbars is also adequately made to start using it. They will not take too long to get used to the application’s features.One of the benefits of choosing a soft background color is that the essential elements are visible. It is a tonal contrast of colors where essential elements are often darker than the background image. That makes it easier for users to observe the lyrics or music tracks. So it can be said that this is a perfect interface that anyone would want to experience.Like Spotify Music, Apple Music gives you a music player that is simple and easy to use for anyone. They will be able to see the usage at first sight. At the same time, it also owns the same colors as Apple’s music store. But one factor anyone will wonder is that similar to the color of this music store, is the number of songs similar or not? The answer to this question is absolute, yes, and you can’t ignore anything.The application owns a huge music store with many genres that you can choose from and experience. You can make the most of the search function to find your favorite songs and organize them into a playlist. Simultaneously, this is also a positive factor when approaching the best and latest songs multiple times without any binding elements. It can be seen as a plus point of this application.In music development, there will inevitably be many new things that will gradually emerge and include songs. Over time, more songs will be released and become internationally famous. Thanks to this app, you will have the opportunity to experience them easily and update the playlist to your liking. Indeed you will have exciting experiences when you find a song that you see satisfied.Apple Music also brings you many new functions, and one of them is suggesting new music. Specifically, the more songs yo listen to in specific genres, the app can recommend some pieces that are right for you. It can be seen as a positive factor that any user wants to be able to use to do his music library. At the same time, this is also an opportunity to find songs they have never heard before.Any music player will not only listen to a single song, but they will group many songs. So, depending on mood and entertainment purposes, the number of listings will increase. At the same time, one factor that anyone would recognize is that the number of songs on the playlists never stood still. Users can customize the lists to their liking and have enjoyable experiences.Listening to music over wifi or a 3G connection is a prevalent thing in the current situation. But in some cases, users will want to listen to music offline. So this application can fulfill that. Specifically, you can download the songs you love to hear in places without the network and wherever you want. Therefore, it can be considered as a useful function for all users of this application. more
Apple Music(Premium Subscription) 1.7.2 Update
Apple   Music adds a stereo listening experience to compatible devices in this update, and introduces thousands of music supporting Dolby panoramic sound. Other updates include: •	Lossless audio: a new way to experience lossless sound quality, accurate to every bit. •	Auto fade in and out: seamlessly connect each song with the next one, bringing a new listening experience. •	Enhanced database search: you can find your favorite music more easily through online search. more
Additional Information
Category:  Music & Audio
Publisher:  Apple Inc.
Requirements:  Android 5.0+
Publish Date:  31/08/2021
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